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Are You a Water Man?

What could have been bit of a lack luster week just gone turned out to be really fun. So we had no guest booked in which gives us a bit of time to catch and for me surf surf surf. However this high pressure over europe seems to be effecting us ie its pretty dam flat here (sad face).

If you know me youll remember i find it hard to do nothing or more to the point sit still. So once all the jobs were done i thought what shall i do. Well a combination of SUP and windsurfing has really kept me busy. Ive been paddling out most mornings and evenings exploring the outer reefs here in Bouzinka and even found the odd wave. SUPPING really does have its place i been catching waves all week on the outer reefs (much fun).

I also dusted off the old windsurf kit and have been teaching Sanaa to sail, as this is something i want to do more off now im fit again after the chemo. Did you know Morocco is also a winsurfing Mega (4 hrs south).

So point and conclusion of blog make sure you have some options when it goes flat, oh and wear ear plugs as a child as you ll get surfers ear like me and you wont be able to go spear fishing grrrrrr (its been reall good also this week also)

Finally swell is on its way and its Ramadan very very soon so it will be very very quiet here surfing in North Morocco


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